Learning Exercise

An Art Education Assignment: Developing Meaningful Lessons

This assignment is designed to help student teachers take existing online art activities and begin developing a more complete lesson plan that is anchored in national standards, has an assessment, and requires student reflection of the process. Student teachers actually select and complete an online art activity that their own students might do and then record how the activity can become an actual lesson by identifying objectives, strategies, age appropriateness, and assessment that will be used.
Course: EDCI 312: Arts Integration and EDTE 228A: Arts Methods

Studio Cyberspace is a resource site for art teachers and student teachers. It is also a site that can be used in the... see more


Studio Cyberspace--Developing Meanigful Art Lessons

Featuring Glencoe McGraw Hill's Studio Cyberspace

An Art Education Assignment: Developing Meaningful Lessons

Cris Guenter, Ed.D.

Department of Education

CSU, Chico

Visit Glencoe McGraw Hill's Studio Cyberspace Teacher's Page at:


Read the all of the information found on Studio Cyberspace Teacher's Page. Note that there is a Teacher Page for each of the twelve online activities. The Teacher Page provides an Overview, Objectives, Getting Started, Classroom Follow-up, and Student Activities which include Picture This, Try This, and Artist's Passport Web Links.

After reading the information, select one of the twelve online activities noted with the orange dots on the upper left column on of the Studio Cyberspace Teacher's Page. Your selections include: Be a Museum Curator; Artists Favorite Places; Ar cheoloogist's Journal; Museum Tour; Architectural Tour; Cultural Treasures; Artists and the WPA; Visiting an Artist; Critique Website; Pictures Worth 1,000 Words; Meet the Masters; and Explore Art Schools.

Go to your selected site, read the related teacher information for the activity you chose. Then click on the brush and palette icon that says "Student Activity." Try out the activity you have selected and see what a middle or high school student would see and do. Consider what you would do to incorporate this activity into a art education lesson plan for middle or high school students. You will need the free Acrobat Reader at

to download the Print Worksheet that is provided for each of the twelve online art education activities by Glencoe McGraw Hill Publishers.

Using a designated bulletin board forum, listserve, or e-mail method established by your instructor, report your findings with a six paragraph summary that provides the following information and answers the following questions about good lesson plan development.

Record the name of the activity you choose to do and review. Be sure to identify yourself when you submit your work.

If you were to develop your selected activity into a full art education lesson:

1. Which
National Standards for Arts Education
does this activity address?

2. What would be your lesson objectives in having your students complete this activity?

3. With what age level would you use this activity and why?

4. What strategies would you use to help teach students to decode artwork and engage them in personal connections and storytelling regarding this activity?

5. How will you assess that your students have met the objectives of your online lesson?

6. What did you like, enjoy, or appreciate about this activity? What made it meaningful for you as a teacher?

Your instructor will indicate when this assignment is due.


Technical Notes

Students will need Acrobat Reader installed on their computers to download the worksheet provided with each of the activities.


A basic understanding of lesson planning that includes objectives, teaching strategies,procedures, and assessment. Experience in navigating the internet and downloading pdf files.


Developing a complete lesson plan--more than just doing an activity; Aligning objectives with assessment of lesson; Online art education resources

Learning Objectives

1. Student teachers will complete one of twelve online art education activities provided by Glencoe McGraw Hill at their Studio Cyberspace web site.
2. Student teachers will develop a lesson plan objective or objectives for the selected online activity and identify which national arts standards are addressed.
3. Student teachers will identify which grade level will use their lesson and why.
4. Student teachers will identify which teaching strategy or strategies they will employ in presenting the lessons to their students.
5. Student teachers will align their assessment of their lesson plan of the selected activity with their objectives.
6. Students will submit a six paragraph summary of their experience and lesson plan reflections based on the online art activity they selected.